Fellow AIA of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) and Honorary Fellow AIA (Hon. FAIA) is one of the highest honors of North American architects. It is used to recognize architects with outstanding achievements and great social influence. Only 3% of the AIA members have this distinction. Every year, candidates are selected by the AIA chapters, and the elected members enter the AIA College of Fellows. 

In 2022, AIA Shanghai | Beijing established the FAIA project team and established the nomination mechanism, aiming to provide FAIA application support for architects in China and help Chinese architects further establish international influence.

This spring, AIA Shanghai | Beijing continues its annual AIA Fellowship program, supporting the elevation of those architects in the chapter who have made “significant contributions to the profession and society and who exemplify architectural excellence.”

With the program support of AIA Shanghai | Beijing executive leadership, Shanghai-based Peter Brown FAIA, and Arturo Veve AIA, the chapter has organized a workshop series, ‘Demystifying Fellowship’ program, to provide a pathway for candidates to organize and prepare their submissions for Fellowship. It's an open invitation to all Chapter members interested to learn about the process of nomination and submission for Fellowship.

The session will give attendees an inside look into the jury process, statistics, eligibility, and much more. While the program is aimed at those nominated for Fellowship, it is open to all members and is a great primer on how to create and maintain your portfolio and professional resume.

美国建筑师协会(American Institute of Architects)院士(Fellow AIA,简称FAIA)与荣誉院士(Honorary Fellow AIA,简称Hon. FAIA)是北美建筑师最高荣誉之一,用于表彰成就极其突出且具有极大社会影响力的建筑师。只有3%的AIA成员能获得此殊荣每年由美国建筑协会的各分会推举候选人,当选者进入院士团(AIA College of Fellows)。



在Peter Brown FAIA和Arturo Veve AIA的支持下,AIA 上海|北京组织了一系列研讨会——AIA院士申请解析,为候选人提供如何准备以及提交申请的帮助。这是对所有有兴趣了解此项目的分会成员的公开邀请。
